From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

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Disciplines of artificial intelligence

Disciplines of artificial intelligence

- [Instructor] Let's say someone comes up to you and says, "I built this machine and it's AI capable." How would you know if that claim is true? Fortunately, academics have proposed a framework to address this. For a machine to be considered generally artificial intelligent, it ought to have at least six foundational capabilities. In fact, these six capabilities are required to pass the well-known Turing test proposed by scientist Alan Turing. And this six capabilities or disciplines are: Ability to understand the natural language spoken or written by other humans. Ability to store and process information. Ability to reason. Ability to learn from new information. Ability to see and perceive objects in the environment. And lastly, ability to manipulate and move the physical objects. I'm sure like me, you are also surprised that these are too high expectations for a human made machines. Now, some advanced agents may…
