From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

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Cybersecurity framework

Cybersecurity framework

- [Instructor] But how do you even begin securing the information and resources of an organization? Well, through a carefully orchestrated framework of defensive and offensive techniques, a framework whose fabric is woven across the entire company, not just within the security function. After all, security is everyone's responsibility. You start by applying security controls that help prevent a security attack from happening in the first place, but none of the preventative controls are perfect. Sooner or later, you will find signs of internal or external threats in your enterprise environment. You want to be able to detect those activities as quickly as possible, or even better, be able to predict them using artificial intelligence. Not every attack on your network materializes in a security breach. Regardless of whether the attack is only an attempt, or turns into a security incident, you want to empower your response team…
