From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

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Criminals use AI too

Criminals use AI too

- [Instructor] So far in this chapter, we looked at how the limitations and abuse of your AI implementation can jeopardize the security of your organization. But we haven't yet looked at the other side of the coin, meaning the ways artificial intelligence and machine learning are empowering cyber criminals to carry out security attacks with greater speed, scope, and stealth. Technologies and techniques of AI that you are counting on to protect your organization are as easily accessible to your adversaries as well. Let's review some of the ways AI is coming up as a powerful tool in your attacker's toolbox. Attackers spend weeks and sometimes months collecting data, understanding their target, and then finally executing the attack. Though there are many tools that attackers use to automate common tasks, such as scanning the network, discovering services, yet most of the tasks that require creativity and human intelligence…
