From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

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Classification: Intruder or not

Classification: Intruder or not

- [Instructor] Let's say you want to segregate events into known categories, such as whether a website is a fraud or genuine, an email that you received is part of a phishing attack or from your customer, or whether the login attempt is from an expected user or an attacker. Such problems fall into a broader category of so-called classification problems. Generally speaking, classification is the process of segregating new data into previously known categories. Now, both regression and classification problems can be solved with supervised learning because they both require prior knowledge, in other words, labeled data. So where is the difference? In the regression problem, which we saw in the previous chapter, the output of a model is a numeric variable. While in classification problem, the output is a categorical variable. Put differently, you will use regression algorithms to solve a problem, like predicting the…
