From the course: Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

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Applying AI to cybersecurity

Applying AI to cybersecurity

- [Instructor] Think about AI in the context of security this way. Let's say you are a trained security professional and are asked to review the log files of a web server from the last week and look for unusual patterns. How would you do it? You will need to know what normal looks like for that web server. Once you go through the logs carefully, you will catch if a visitor happens to traverse a folder in a manner that is different from a typical shopper on your website. Now, if you were to assign this task to an AI powered intelligent agent, it'll also need to first be trained on what normal looks like. At its core, artificial intelligence enables you to create and leverage intelligent agents. An intelligent agent that has been previously trained to solve a particular security problem can be used in several ways. For example, it can identify weaknesses in the millions of lines of code software engineers have written or…
