From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 2 Making Great Music

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Role of the producer

Role of the producer

- Let's talk about the role of the producer. Like most things in the music business if you're looking to do something really, really great you're likely going to need some help. And when it comes to recording music that person is typically the record producer. So, let's talk about the role of the record producer. If you look at the billboard top 100 album chart or the singles chart, you'll see that almost every album and every single has a producer attached to it, and those record producers can have a huge impact on the success or failure of a song. That record producer is like the manager of the whole recording process. The producer typically presides over the recording budget. That producer will decide where the recording sessions take place and what studio they're going to be recording in. That producer will likely hire an engineer that they're comfortable with or whom they worked with previously. More and more these days that producer might hire a person dedicated to running pro…
