From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 1 The Big Picture

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Focus on the wins

Focus on the wins

- Focus on the wins. In a business where most of the artists that signed to major labels are not commercially successful, in a business where just getting in the game seems nearly impossible, in a business where success oftentimes feels more like an act of God than a reward for your good efforts, it's fair to ask if quote-unquote losing and failure is a typical result, then how do I deal with this prospect of failure and keep my head and heart in the game? I want to share with you some great advice I got from a friend that I think will help you. As you know I love to play golf and for a while I dreamed about playing golf for a living. Well, that dream didn't work out for me but I never stopped playing golf and I love competing in golf tournaments. Instead of those professional tournaments I had in mind I play in a lot of amateur events, and for better or worse I take it all very seriously. No matter how much I practice though I felt like I never played up to my potential in those key…
