From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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What to do when no obstacles are raised

What to do when no obstacles are raised

From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

What to do when no obstacles are raised

- I've attended thousands of stand ups with scrum teams and one of the most common bad habits on teams, especially new ones, is that impediments aren't raised during the stand up. You can tell the team is new when everyone ends their update with I have no impediments. There are many reasons for this behavior, but first is trust. When teams are forming, it takes a lot of courage to admit to your new peer group that you're stuck or something has you stymied. As you build trust on the team, this reason will be eliminated. But another common reason is that team members underestimate the impact a problem can have on the team as a whole. Look at it this way: if a team member is having issues with an environment, say the user acceptance test environment, it may be a minor annoyance to them, but if it takes this person one or two days to get it straightened out, that's one or two days of lost work time in the sprint. That means it's time they aren't focused on the sprint goal. Now let's take…
