From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips


- As Scrum Masters, we strive, each and every day, to help our teams practice Scrum effectively. We've been through training, and have been working to improve our knowledge, skills, and abilities with Scrum. But sometimes, we encounter problems that just weren't covered in our classes. So what do we do now? In this course, we're going to talk about some of the challenges that teams and Scrum Masters face every day. Each week I'll be sharing with you, tried and tested approaches to situations you may face with your Scrum teams. Hi, I'm Kelly O'Connell, and I've been a certified Scrum Master for more than 10 years. I'm also an Enterprise Agile Coach and have experienced all of these situations firsthand as I've led teams and organizations through Agile transitions. Please join me on LinkedIn Learning as we explore tips and tricks to help you lead your Agile teams.
