From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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We don't work together

We don't work together

- If your team members have never worked in an agile environment before, they probably only worked as individuals. They've used their unique talents and skills independently to get their work done. It's probable in fact, that they've been rewarded for their individualism and ability to independently solve problems. I mean, what manager wants an employee that's always asking for direction? Often as your scrum team is formed, it's built around these highly talented people. That's great for the product because they know their stuff. At the same time, the type of behaviors that help them to be successful so far can actually be a detriment to the team. Why? Well, this individual based reward system actually fosters a mindset of throwing things over the wall to others. In other words, they're not working together. I do my part, now you do yours. In this format, there's no deep understanding of what each person brings to the team. Worse yet, it doesn't foster respect across the specialties…
