From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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The team always overcommits

The team always overcommits

- In my experience with teams, overcommitting in the Sprint is the most common problem. It's easy to tell when this is happening. There are stories that get carried over consistently. These are the ones that the team just couldn't get done in the Sprint. First, let's talk about why this is a bad thing. Let's start with the obvious. When a story is left incomplete, that Sprint commitment is not achieved. This can have a negative impact on morale and the PO's trust in the team. Next is that it can result in lower quality. As the team rushes to try to hit the commitment, they may scrimp on the quality of their output. Last is that it can set the team up for burnout because they're setting themselves up in a way that's unsustainable. So, how do we prevent overcommitment? First, make sure that every story is fully understood by everyone. Make sure each story is fully reviewed in Sprint planning. That means talking about the story, the acceptance criteria, the tests, and the tasks together.…
