From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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The scrum master uses a commanding style

The scrum master uses a commanding style

From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

The scrum master uses a commanding style

- During agile transformations, many companies redirect their existing project managers into the scrum master role. While there are some similarities in responsibilities, the roles are not the same. This can create many problems for teams. One of the most common behaviors is when a scrum master reverts to the command and control leadership style used in traditional project management. A commanding scrum master is one who is assigning tasks to individual team members. The daily scrum may be the delivery point where the scrum master is doling out tasks. Also, when someone is working on a critical task, the commanding scrum master will demand updates several times a day. This behavior is both disruptive and demeaning to the team member. If you see these behaviors in your scrum master, you need to help them change their mindset, and shift them from the commanding and control mindset, to the servant leadership mindset. Remember, servant leadership is a facilitating style of leadership…
