From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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Story sizing is inconsistent

Story sizing is inconsistent

- You may notice that your team's velocity two months ago was 20 points and now it's suddenly 40 points. While you're probably a fantastic scrum master, it's unlikely that they've doubled their velocity in that span of time. What's likely happening is something we call estimate inflation. It happens to most, if not all teams, at some point or another. While it may not seem like a big problem, it can be mistaken for greater value delivery. This can mislead the product owner and broader organization into a sense of false progress. So how can you help your team prevent estimate inflation? Well, there are two common approaches. First is Mike Cohn's triangulation method. In this case, the story being estimated will be compared to two prior backlog items the team has completed. One of the done stories will be larger than this one, and the other will be smaller. For example, if the team is negotiating whether a story should be a three or a five point story, you'll ask them to compare this…
