From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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Stand-up is dysfunctional

Stand-up is dysfunctional

- While the daily scrum or standup is the shortest event in scrum, it often holds the most dysfunctions or anti-patterns you and your team will face. By watching for these anti-patterns, you can help your team overcome them. Let's talk about the most common anti-patterns and how you can take corrective action. First and most common is that team members come to standup to report progress to the scrum master or product owner. In reality, the scrum is for the team members to report out to each other on their progress toward the sprint goal. This one is easy to solve. When someone reports their status to you, the scrum master, you simply say something like, well that's great, but remember, you're sharing your progress with the team. Another anti-pattern is that updates are too generic and don't add transparency. For example, an update where someone says yesterday, I worked on story ABC and today, I'm working on DEF. The team has learned nothing from this update. This will require one on…
