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Scrum master is assigning tasks

Scrum master is assigning tasks

- If you're working on an agile team, the team members should be signing up for tasks themselves. In traditional project management, the project manager handled task assignments. You can see how this can be confusing if you're transitioning to a more agile workflow. In agile, the scrum master doesn't do this. Remember, in agile, autonomy is one of the greatest motivators in knowledge work. As a result, team members are expected to self organize around the work. But what does that mean? Well, consider that no one knows the team members better than they know themselves. That being the case, team members won't pull work that they can't handle. If your scrum master is assigning tasks, the problem is usually trust. The scrum master has likely come from a project management or team management background where this was the norm. This type of background falsely assumes either people won't know the right thing to do or that they'd rather not work at all. When you are leading from this…
