From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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Scrum master is a team contributor

Scrum master is a team contributor

From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

Scrum master is a team contributor

- Ideally your scrum master should not be a regular contributor to the team or make sprint commitments, but in some organizations you can't always have a dedicated scrum master on your team. One of the key goals in Agile is to do one thing until it's done. Doing more that one thing at a time is inefficient and error prone. So the reason it's hard for a scrum master to also be a contributor, is the same reason and that's context switching. It's tough to continually switch from one thought process to another and it can cost that person a lot of time. For instance, if a developer is playing the role of scrum master and it's scrum time, does the developer focus on the updates for information they need or do they focus on making sure the scrum is following the process? This team member may have to follow up after the scrum to get the technical details they missed while they were making sure everyone else is following the scrum format. This is a waste of time. Also, if the scrum process…
