From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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No one wants to learn a new skill

No one wants to learn a new skill

From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

No one wants to learn a new skill

- In Scrum, a foundational concept is that the team has all the skills needed to build the product. So for example, if you're building a customer website, your team would have developers, testers, user experience designers, and so forth. With all these skills at hand, your team can build the website without a lot of handoffs to other teams. Scrum also encourages the team to ensure they have a smooth flow of work within the team. The team does this by watching for bottlenecks in their processors. The most common bottleneck, is when teams realize they need more people with a specific skill. Using our customer website example from earlier, the team may have three developers and only one tester. In that case, it's likely that work will get stuck in testing, because one person just can't keep up. The easiest way to remove this bottleneck is by broadening the skills of the team members. This will ensure individuals can help in more than one discipline, and make sure nothing gets stuck…
