From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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No one contributes in retrospective

No one contributes in retrospective

From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

No one contributes in retrospective

- Your team's retrospective, retro for short, is one of the most important events in the sprint. This is the only time the team is focused on improving itself and its processes. Because it's so important, you need to pay close attention to anti-patterns you see in this event. One of the most common anti-patterns I've encountered is one where no one is willing to speak up about anything. The good or the bad. When this happens, it's impossible for the team to improve. So you'll need to take action right away. I'll share with you some of the things that have worked for me and my teams to overcome it. First, always come to retro with your own list of things that you've observed. Areas where the team excelled and areas where improvement could be made. You'll use this information to facilitate a dialogue among the team members. For example, maybe you observed that testing wasn't completed for a particular story or you saw the team swarm on a problem and solve it during the sprint. These are…
