From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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Everything gets stuck in testing

Everything gets stuck in testing

From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

Everything gets stuck in testing

- A common question among scrum teams is how to ensure that testing gets done before the end of the sprint. When it doesn't get done the result is that many of the committed user stories are complete except for testing. That means they're not really done at all, doesn't it? That's right, they're not. So why does this happen? Well, there are usually a few things at play in this situation. First, it's likely that your user stories are too big. If your user stories are too big the tests will likely be complicated. So the first thing to do is to work with your product owner to break the stories into smaller sizes. You can also engage your development and test team members to help by providing insight on the technical aspects of the work. The goal here is to get the stories to be sized at about a day or so for development. At this size while the developer is coding the tester can write the test cases and start testing the next day. Another possible root cause is insufficient understanding…
