From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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Engaging sponsors with remote teams

Engaging sponsors with remote teams

From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

Engaging sponsors with remote teams

- Just as our teams are often remote, our sponsors can be too. The sponsor is the business executive that's trusting your scrum team to get their product built. This requires a high level of trust on their part. You can help the sponsor trust the team by helping them get to know your team members. As people get to know each other better, trust flows more freely. Here are a few simple ways you can encourage your team to share who they are with your sponsor. First, as the project effort is launching, encourage your team members to post a brief bio about themselves in the electronic team room. On this bio, make sure they post a picture of themselves and include both their professional accomplishments and some personal insight into who they are and where they are from. These details usually create curiosity across the team and sponsor so that conversation comes more easily. Another technique is to have an avatar meeting. Before the meeting, ask everyone including the sponsor to pick an…
