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Distributed team collaboration

Distributed team collaboration

- Many, if not most, Scrum teams are distributed. This means they aren't co-located, and in fact, team members cross time zones and even countries. In Scrum, close collaboration is essential to transparency and high quality. If your team is distributed, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure your distributed team is collaborating well. Here are things I've used on my teams and had great results. Let's start with the practical things you need to do to create a collaborative environment. First, use video chat. Using video in all your events gives your team members the opportunity to see each other. Accessing non-verbal communication can create clarity and prevent misunderstandings. Next, get out of email. Whenever possible, have team members call each other. This will save a lot of time, confusion, and eliminate those long email threads. Another option to stay out of email, is to use a chat tool like Slack or HipChat, to keep you and your team members connected. Third, use…
