From the course: Agile Challenges Weekly Tips

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Absentee scrum master

Absentee scrum master

- Even scrum masters are allowed to take a vacation once in a while. So, when this happens, there are steps you should take to make sure the team continues to run smoothly. The first and best option is to find someone to fill in for the scrum master. Ideally, your organization has a scrum master community of practice, so your scrum master can reach out to their peer group and find a volunteer to help the team. Another option is to assign another team member to the role temporarily. This is actually harder than pulling in a seasoned scrum master to help out. Asking someone on the team to act as the scrum master is very hard because that person has to context which throughout the whole sprint. So while you can do this, I would avoid it if I could. Next, the scrum master needs to set expectations that the team should continue to hold all the scrum events while they're away. Believe it or not, some new scrum teams feel like the events only provide value to the scrum master and they'll…
