From the course: After a Layoff: How to Cope at Work When Coworkers Lose Their Jobs

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Help your colleagues process their experience using empathy

Help your colleagues process their experience using empathy

From the course: After a Layoff: How to Cope at Work When Coworkers Lose Their Jobs

Help your colleagues process their experience using empathy

- Talking about feelings can feel awkward, messy, and vulnerable. But not talking about feelings, that's even worse. It can lead to miscommunication, loss of trust, relationship damage, and even physical health problems. So let's talk about some ways you can embrace the awkward, using empathy for your health and the health of your team. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand their needs. To be clear, you don't have to think or feel the way they do or even agree with it. You just have to understand that they think and they feel the way that they think and they feel. Research shows that empathy in the workplace is positively related to job performance. It improves interpersonal interactions. It strengthens relationships. It leads to better communication. It fosters creative thinking. It helps people achieve better outcomes at work and at home. And there are three types of empathy. The…
