From the course: Advocating for Change in Your Organization

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Making the ethical case for change

Making the ethical case for change

- Making the ethical case is so critically important to advocating for change in your organization. Remember when you were doing all of that listening and seeking input? I'm sure that there were people who shared with you their passion for making an equitable society. This is the opportunity to amplify those voices and lift up the ideas that are passionate and matter to people around what happens in your company and how it should reflect the world we want to live in. So what does that look like? It looks like reflecting on those institutions of oppression that we talked about. We want to make sure that our companies are not just microcosms of the inequities in society. Some of those might show up in our hiring, like like me bias. It's the idea that we typically hire people who come from backgrounds that are similar to ours. Maybe they come from the town we went to, or they went to the school we attended, or maybe they…
