From the course: Advocating for Change in Your Organization

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Identifying the need for change

Identifying the need for change

- So the first critical step on your journey of advocating for change, for equity and inclusion in your organization is assessing the landscape. It's so important to know what's already been happening and who your potential partners are as you think about what kind of change you want to make. So there are four critical steps in this process. The first is collect information. What data is already available to you about the current condition of your organization? What past efforts have been initiated and how did they go? Were there some successes you can build on or maybe even some not quite successes that you can learn from? The other piece that you want to consider is what are the current efforts? If there are people who are already working on issues, you certainly want your ideas to align with theirs rather than contradict. So after you've done the work of collecting information, the next thing you want to do is seek input.…
