From the course: Advanced Malware Analysis: Redux

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Module 5 summary

Module 5 summary

- [Instructor] All right, so now let's wrap up our memory forensics module with a brief summary. In module five, we performed memory forensics. We did this by first looking at the different parts of the memory forensics process, and learned how to add memory forensics into our overall malware analysis process. Then we looked at the first stage of memory forensics, which is acquisition, and we used the tool DumpIt to acquire a snapshot of a target machine's memory. Once we acquired the memory, we explored the second stage of the memory forensics process, which is memory analysis. During memory analysis, we learned about the various volatility plugins that allow us to extract information from our memory image, while utilizing these plugins to extract different process and malware artifacts. All right, everyone, that is the end of module five, so let's wrap up the course with a brief summary.
