From the course: Advanced Malware Analysis: Redux

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Malware components part 1: Windows OS

Malware components part 1: Windows OS - Redux Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Malware Analysis: Redux

Malware components part 1: Windows OS

- [Instructor] In the malware component section, we're going to be looking at the basics of the operating system while understanding common characteristics of malware such as its persistence and different types of payloads. We'll also look at the different tools we can use to identify malware's hidden components. As a malware analyst and reverse engineer, we need to understand where the malware that we want to analyze is being run. So because we're looking at Windows malware, this requires us to know the major parts of the Windows operating system. So as it relates to Windows, the software components will be looking at most of the time is the file system, the Windows memory, and the registry. So let's take a brief look at these individually before we look at some malware characteristics. To begin, we have the Windows file system. This is where data in the form of files and directories are stored directly to the physical…
