From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Vector trim

Vector trim

- [Instructor] Vector shapes are supported here in Fresco. You can create vector shapes in apps like Adobe Capture. It's very simple to do. In fact, you can use any image or any existing artwork, or even use your camera to snap a photo of something and then turn it into vector art. For more information on using Adobe Capture, I recommend you check out the course, Learning Adobe Capture with Theresa Jackson, here on LinkedIn Learning. Now, once I have made vector shapes and saved them into any library, I'm talking about my Creative Cloud libraries, or CC libraries as we call them, I can come over here to my vector shapes and instantly, the last used shape will appear. And that came from this library of Fresco comics shapes right here. I can tap on any one of these and then I can select a color. And the first thing I can do is go ahead and fill it. Now, when I fill it, the same thing will be presented to me as options…
