From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Set up a perspective grid

Set up a perspective grid - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Set up a perspective grid

- [Kyle] Once you have a perspective grid in place in your document, you can use your basic Drawing Aids to snap to that grid. Coming down to my basic Drawing Aids I've selected the square. In addition to the Transform box in the little black bar that appears over here, I also have a cube to the right of it. Tapping on that cube will align the square with one of the vanishing points: left, right, or top and bottom. Let's select left. You'll notice that, as I move the square, it is changing its shape based on the perspective grid, and here I can go ahead and I can draw my square in the correct perspective. This works for all of the shapes, so selecting a circle will do the same thing. Watch the circle become deformed as I move it above and below, and to the left and right. And as usual, I tap on the cube to change the orientation to the left, right, or top vanishing point, like so. And that's how you use your basic…
