From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Reference layer fill

Reference layer fill - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Reference layer fill

- [Instructor] Reference layer fill is a great time saver in Fresco. The way it works is you could create line art on one layer, color it on another layer, but not have to worry about staying within the lines. Let me show you what I mean. I have some line art that I've drawn here of this character. Now, I have a layer underneath it where I intend to put my color. Now, normally what you'd have to do is select a brush and start coloring away. Or you could make a selection with your lasso tool and fill it. None of this is necessary anymore. Simply tap on the line art layer and open up your layer actions. Here, you're going to find set as reference. When you set a layer as a reference layer, anything you do underneath it or elsewhere in your document is going to conform to whatever the boundaries are of the lines that are drawn in that layer. Here's what I mean. Let's go ahead and select one of our colors here and then…
