From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Recent brushes and brush organization

Recent brushes and brush organization - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Recent brushes and brush organization

- [Instructor] Now I'm sure like me, there have been times when you've used multiple brushes in a document and then later on, you can't remember what you've used. For example, let's go over here and I'll grab some brushes from the spring 2022 brush update, and I'll paint a few things over here, and then I'll make a selection over here, and change my color, and then I'll use yet another brush. Let's go over to Geo Bot and paint with that one. Okay and then let's make another layer and we'll grab the leaf right here and use a lighter green and we'll start to paint some leaves there. All right, let's imagine that I'm going through the document using brush after brush after brush. And then I think back on what was that brush I used right here and I can't remember anymore. Well, we now have recent brushes right here at the top of your pixel brush category. Recent. Now, you'll see the brushes in chronological order and I can go…
