From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Perspective in use with other drawing aids

Perspective in use with other drawing aids - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Perspective in use with other drawing aids

- [Instructor] One of the most unique perspective features in Fresco is the ability to generate a perspective grid from other source material. For example, over here on the right, we have this option to create a perspective grid from an image, a layer, or a document. If I tap on Image, I can go to my camera roll on my device and I can scroll to find a photo that would work. For example, here's my daughter walking with a cat down the street, and at the top right corner, you'll notice that we have another one of our boxes that is gridded. It looks just like your Precision panel. If I tap on that, automatically Fresco will generate a perspective grid based on that photo. To check that it's accurate, I'm going to tap on the image layer here and reduce the opacity a little bit and on a layer above it, I'll simply draw some lines to check everything looks good. Here's the line of the road and there we have that driveway,…
