From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Perspective grids from other sources

Perspective grids from other sources - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Perspective grids from other sources

- [Instructor] The perspective grids in Fresco are quite powerful and they're also very easy to use. If you wish to switch to a perspective grid mode, tap on grid type right here. You're going to have a dropdown menu. Select perspective. Normally, you'll be left with a one point perspective grid as you can see here. If you wish to change the number of vanishing points, tap on the vanishing point dropdown and you have two point and three point options. To keep things simple, let's look at one point first. The first thing I want to do is I want to move my grid. You can do this by tapping on edit vanishing points. Here, I can zoom out and I can move my vanishing point and horizon line anywhere, including off of the canvas like so. I'll place it here in the top left corner. And when I'm ready, I tap on done. I want my lines to snap to this grid. Over here, it says snap to grid axis four and then we have the option for drawing.…
