From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Paint with multiple colors

Paint with multiple colors - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Paint with multiple colors

- [Instructor] The multicolor eyedropper is a unique tool in Fresco that allows you to load your paint brush with as many colors as you want simultaneously. Normally, if I use one finger and tap on the screen, I'm going to be selecting a single color from anywhere in my document. However, if you hold down the touch modifier and then perform this same action with another finger like so, I'm selecting multiple colors and you can tell that this is happening because in the top right corner, you'll notice that there's a little indication that I am doing so. It says multiple colors and there is a preview of the swatch that I am creating. All right, I let go and I confirm over here where my color swatches are that indeed I've selected multiple colors. And then when I start to paint, look at the result. Very cool. Now, I can select literally anything from my canvas. So if I wish to, I can also select this sphere. I'll go ahead…
