From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Motion panel overview and export options

Motion panel overview and export options - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Motion panel overview and export options

- [Lecturer] Animation and motion are now possible in Adobe Fresco. To access your animation and motion panel, just come down to the bottom right here and look for the three circles with the play button. Tapping on this will bring up your timeline right here. And then, you have options and settings just beneath it. When you're finished with animation, you can export in different formats. Come over to the share button here in the top right and tap on publish and export. Under motion, which is the last category here, you'll find different formats, MP4, GIF, and a PNG sequence. You can also change the preset right here for the quality of the animation that you're exporting. Normally, you'll be exporting at exactly the same size as your document, but if you tap on web ready, you'll notice that there is a reduction in the size, and this is to save a little bit of space for that file. When you tap on generate frames, Fresco will…
