From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Liquify settings

Liquify settings

- In the same way that brushes have settings, so too do your liquefy modes. If I tap on the warp tool, for example, right here. At the bottom, you see that we have different sizes for the tool. So of course the smaller I go, the smaller the area that is impacted by the changes. And if I make that much larger, well, the larger the area that's impacted. And you can make this brush quite large. It can go all the way up to 8,000 pixels. So a lot can be done there. Now, if we tap just below that, you'll see the other settings. And here we have density, pressure, and rate. Rate is not applicable for this tool but it is for some of the other liquefy modes. Now, starting with density, density is going to control how much of the image is impacted by your actions. And pressure is going to control how rapidly it's going to happen using the pressure that you are exerting with the stylus. So why don't we take the density all the way…
