From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Liquify modes

Liquify modes

- Liquefy is a special way to transform your art. And the way it works is you can imagine you're sculpting two-dimensional images. I'll show you what I mean. If we tap on the move and transform tool, there is a second option beneath it. It's an icon of a finger pushing into a line. We'll tap on that. Now we have entered Liquefy mode in Fresco. The very first tool we have here is the warp tool. The warp tool allows me to push the artwork like this and change the shape of things. Beneath that, we have the reconstruct tool. The reconstruct tool allows you to move backwards in time through whatever you've been doing. So if I do this, I'm going to be reconstructing this part of the image and returning it back to what it was at the start. If I move the reconstruct tool over the entire image like this, everything goes back to the way it was. So you can think of it as a sort of selective undo tool. The tool underneath this is the…
