From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Frame-by-frame animation overview

Frame-by-frame animation overview - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Frame-by-frame animation overview

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at frame-by-frame animation in Fresco. Here you see a timeline. Now what I'm going to do is, on the right where my layer stack is, add a new layer, and I'm going to do some drawing on this first frame of our timeline, right here. First, I'll select a color and then a brush, the hard round variable brush. And I'll zoom in a little bit here and start drawing. And what I'm going to draw is a little bird. I'll slide this over so you can see it because it's behind that tree, and I'll draw the wing facing upwards like this. We'll just fill in some color, and now we have one frame of animation. You'll see that frame reflected down here at the bottom. What I want to do is make this bird flap its wings. I'm going to tap on the plus, sign to add a second frame. And you'll notice that I can still see the first frame but it's reduced in opacity. And the reason for this is, if I tap on settings,…
