From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Frame animation settings

Frame animation settings - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Frame animation settings

- [Instructor] Now let's take a closer look at the settings panel in motion. I'll open the settings panel. We've talked about frames per second. That will control the speed at which your animation plays. So if I increase that to 22 and hit Play All, there's a faster flapping action. Pause that and now let's decrease back down to 10 frames per second and hit Play All and it's a little slower. Another thing to look at in settings is your playback mode. At the moment, we have loop selected. Now, what this means is your first frame will play through to the last, so from one through five, and then it will jump back to frame one again. You will see this happening when I hit Play. Watch over here in the timeline. There are times when you'll want to animate something that moves from the first frame to the last and then backwards through the other frames until it returns to the first frame. For this, we use another playback mode…
