From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Combine frames and paths

Combine frames and paths - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Combine frames and paths

- [Instructor] Now that we've seen all that is possible with motion using frames as well as motion pads, let's take a look at a file that takes advantage of both. I'm going to hit Play All on this image. You'll notice that there are multiple examples of different kinds of animation occurring in this single illustration. It's subtle, but notice that there are ripples of water that are moving under the dock. These were originally created simply by drawing one wavy pattern and then transforming it across different frames by duplicating it using the transform tools and moving it's position. There are fish that jump out of the water. As you recall, you can make an animation one time on a layer and then you can duplicate that layer and you can transform everything on the layer including all of the frames. That is how I made it possible to have two fish jumping. I first drew the fish in the bottom right, and then I resized it…
