From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

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Adjust HSB values of a multicolor swatch

Adjust HSB values of a multicolor swatch - Fresco Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Adobe Fresco

Adjust HSB values of a multicolor swatch

- Now that I have a multicolor swatch that I like, here on my brush. There are times when I wish to be able to change all these colors at once. And you can actually do that. If I tap over here, on my color panel, you'll notice that we have this category here, HSB sliders. That stands for hue, saturation, and brightness. Now, all I have to do is adjust those sliders like this, and I've got a brand new swatch to work with. This is very powerful. So you can have subtle changes. You can have really big changes, and do this with all the colors at the same time. Let's go back to that sphere we created a moment ago, and it's right here. And let's say that I want to change it to a different color. Okay. Well, first I'll draw a little blue, and then I'm going to intersect that with another color. I'm just going to slide in this direction until I get a nice kind of a, pinkish red color. Pump up the saturation, maybe increase…
