From the course: Adobe XD for Designers

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Creating mobile layouts

Creating mobile layouts - Adobe XD Tutorial

From the course: Adobe XD for Designers

Creating mobile layouts

- [Instructor] When it comes to creating a mobile layout, well guess what? You don't need a separate file or anything like that. Keep it all in the same file. We have our website or desktop experience right here, in fact, right up here for flow 1 we can call this website or desktop, right? Just like that. And then we can have a mobile layout right down here. Just makes it so much easier. We could use the same components and everything. So you can click right over here on the art board and right off to the side, you can see all these different sizes. I want to do iPhone X, XS and 11 pro, just click right there and it gets added, okay. That's easy enough. And then from there, I want to start using some of these same images, right? First off, I want to grab this component right here and this line, and I want to copy it, Command+C go down here, select this art board, Command+V, paste it in. Same thing for that lovely…
