From the course: Adobe Captivate Essential Training

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What you need to know

What you need to know

- [Host] Well, here's what you need to know before we begin our journey together with Captivate. Firstly, captivate works on both Mac and Windows computers, and I'll be running it on a Windows computer running Windows 10 throughout this course. If you're on a Mac computer and you're following along, just know it will look slightly different from the Captivate I'm using, but the functionality remains much the same. Adobe is updating Captivate more frequently than ever, so new features and options are showing up all the time. This means what you see in your version of Captivate may differ from what you see in my version on the screen. Not to worry though, this won't prevent you from following along with me as we move through the chapters and movies in this course. Exercise Files and assets are included with this course. If you'd like to follow along, step by step with me, download these files to a convenient location such as your desktop, and I'll let you know when you might want to…
