From the course: Adobe Captivate Essential Training

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Elearning basics

Elearning basics

- [Instructor] Because we use Captivate to create e-learning content, as well as m-learning content, the mobile version of e-learning, we should understand the basics of e-learning. This will help us to understand the ultimate goal of what we're about to create. So let's start with defining what e-learning is. And there are many definitions out there, but they all share the same general description, and that is learning activities that are delivered in an electronic format, typically using a computer with a connection to the internet. And e-learning is often called by other names too, like distance learning, distance education, web-based training, online learning, and others. And with the influx of mobile devices, we now often hear of mobile learning, or m-learning. And Captivate will allow you to create both e-learning and m-learning content. E-learning can be used to educate learners on just about anything you can imagine, but there are three major types of e-learning to consider…
