From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Using keyframes

Using keyframes

- [Instructor] In order to produce animation, you need some change in the properties of a visual object across time. Now that we have a ten second frame span for our project, we can mark these changes in properties using key frames. The first thing we need to do is actually find another asset to use as animated content. So I'm going to go back to our assets panel and I want to do a search for bunny and I'm looking for animated content so let's twirl that down. Now I have two choices here. This one is a little bunny who hops in place, but this other one, it's a bunny who hops away. So you can see he kind of takes off. So he has internal animation to make him do that. And that's the one we want because we want him to actually hop across our landscape here. So choosing this particular bunny hop, let's click and drag directly onto our stage area. All right, there's our little bunny. And if we scrubbed the playhead, sure enough we now have animated content. The reason this works is because…
