From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Sharing your animation

Sharing your animation

- [Instructor] Aside from publishing and testing your animation, you can also export the animation as video content, an animated GIF file, and even more, depending on the platform. There's even a way to quickly share your creations via social media. Let's have a look at these sharing options now. Right next to our workspace chooser and test movie button is a little share icon. If we click on this note that there's two options, Social share, and Publish. So if you recall, we had a look last time inside of our publish settings and it can be pretty confusing, right? There's a lot of different options here. This makes things a lot easier. When you quick Share and publish, let's go down to publish first, you get two choices for this particular format. You can publish a video as an MP4, or you can publish an animated GIF as a .GIF file. All you have to do is pick one of these and click publish, and Animate does the rest. Now, there's also a social share option. And if we choose that, there…
