From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Publishing your animation

Publishing your animation

- [Presenter] Our animated interactive project is now complete. But before we go, I'd like to point out a couple of important things to note within the HTML5 Canvas publish settings. We briefly saw the document publish settings earlier way back in the first chapter. However I want to point out some things inside of here that can make the experience a little nicer. So in your document properties, click on more settings under publish settings, and here we get our publish settings dialogue. Note that we're publishing to JavaScript and HTML, and here you have your basic settings. So choosing to loop the timeline or not, if we untick this, it basically stops the play head at the final frame. We can include hidden layers or not. Most importantly we can do things like center the stage. Horizontal, vertical or both. We can also make responsive. If we notice before on the smaller screen, when we publish, it doesn't quite all fit in our browser window. Choosing to make responsive is going to…
