From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Masking your content

Masking your content

- [Instructor] Another feature of shapes in Animate is that they can be used to mask content through their use in conjunction with a special mask layer. The mask can even be animated with Shape Tween, enabling some pretty nifty effects. We're going to go ahead and use a mask here to mask out the stars that appear as the sun sets. So inside of our layers, we want to go ahead and create a layer right above the sky. And let's go ahead and rename this to stars. This layer is going to contain our star field. And to be consistent, want to make sure and use a lowercase s for that. All right. So with all our other layers locked down and the stars layer selected, we can go ahead and actually add some stars to this. And for that, you can use the GPU fluid brush tool. You can use the classic brush tool, whatever you might want. Maybe I'll just use classic brush, since we haven't used that yet. And of course stars are going to be white. So with that, let's actually take that down a little bit so…
