From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Managing Animate preferences

Managing Animate preferences

- [Instructor] Another aspect of animate to look over before you really start project are your different preferences. One of these preferences that has to do with the overall look of the user interface for Adobe Animate is your current workspace. So any workspaces can be found through this little widget up here. This is the workspace chooser. As you can see, we are in the essentials workspace, which is generally the workspace you want to be in especially for this course, to follow along. If you're not in the essentials workspace, simply clicking on this will get you there. Along the side of each workspace name is a reset button. This will reset your workspace to how it was originally set up. Note that you can also save custom workspaces if desired. Just give it a name and save it. Inside of the Edit menu, in Windows, or under the animate menu on Mac OS, you'll find your different preferences. So if we go down to preferences, we can see that we can edit preferences from here. But we…
