From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Making it interactive

Making it interactive

- Animate makes it very simple to add common interactions to our project through use of the Actions Panel and the Actions Wizard. We'll use this workflow to make our button clickable and have a reaction within the project. So the first thing we're going to need to do is stop our playhead at this first frame. Right now, if we go ahead and test this, it'll just start playing automatically. So let's go ahead and choose that key frame on the actions layer. And if we look at our frame properties right here there is a direct access to the code editor that's built into Animate called the Actions Panel. Let's go ahead and click that to open it up. As you can see, we're on the actions layer, frame one. This is our current frame, and what we're going to do is type in some code right here. So you could just type it in, but usually, especially if you're new to Animate you're not going to know what commands to give it. So this is where the wizard comes into play. Go ahead and click add using…
